Monday, October 25, 2010

Pollution! I've Got The Solution!

Los Angeles County is notoriously known for its issues with air pollution, predominately caused by the amount of people who rely on fossil fuel vehicles, which is nearly everyone. The area is always loud and rambunctious, and the freeways are always crowded, especially around 8 am and 5 pm. Fortunately, people have an alternative option, as far as reaching their destination, everyday, which is public transportation. Metro railroads and buses can take a person almost everywhere in Los Angeles County. The buses are environmentally friendly and they offer different payment options to ride on a regular basis. I believe that Los Angeles County would be much better off relying on public transportation, bike riding, or walking to get from point A to point B. This will help decrease the pollution problems

If you were to stand on a plateau or mountain that overlooked Los Angeles County, you would not be able to see the area, clearly, if not, at all. This has very little to do with overcast. The main problem is that this area is covered with smog, caused by the millions of people that use fossil fuel powered vehicles. If everyone could afford a hybrid vehicle, the problem could easily be fixed. Unfortunately, this type of vehicle is not in everyone’s financial budget. The next best thing would be to use public transportation, such as the Metro. If everyone were required to take the train, bus, bicycle or walk to work, Los Angeles County would be a much cleaner area. The Metro public transportation company is one of the largest clean air public transportation chains, in the world.

In conclusion, if the law required everyone in overpopulated areas to use public transportation, walking, and riding bikes as a means of transportation, the city would possibly be able to stop and reverse pollution and have healthier citizens. It is a very drastic step, but if we expect a change, we need to make changes that are ultimately in everyone’s best interests.

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