Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Is Special About Me

Sierra is probably one of the most common names on the planet. But, Sierra Lavon Henderson is probably one of the most interesting Sierras that you’ll meet. That would be me. Underneath my shy and somewhat serious exterior, lies an ambitious girl with a lot of heart, smarts, and dreams that are larger than life. I never really considered myself to be an extremely complex person. However, I do feel that there is more to me than most people may think. You know what they say, don’t judge a book by its cover.
My skin complexion is like that of a Hershey’s Kiss. Not too dark and not too light. I am a 5’2, which I consider to be average height. But, I’m shorter than just about everyone in my class, so I suppose my height isn’t that average. If you were to past me by, you’d probably smell a fragrance similar to cologne. I must assure you that it is a very strong fragrance given off from my Oro Gold Body Butter. It also makes my skin soft and smooth.  I wear square-frame glasses that have always managed to sit on the end of nose, since I was a small child. My body is just the shell that holds my most important components; my heart and soul.
 When most people look at me one word always comes to mind; nerd. Which I suppose is true. I am an intelligent girl who takes school very seriously and works very hard in everything I do. After all, success is only attainable through hard work, dedications, and drive. When it comes to something that I truly want, I put my all into it. I am a very kind- hearted person, who is always thinking about the well being of others. Kindness can feel like a blessing and a curse because some may take your kindness for weakness. Ever since I was a child, I’ve had this huge desire to make the world a better place for everyone. I enjoy improving the lives of others in any way possible. I believe that if you can make a difference, you should. Everyone has a helping hand to lend. I’m just a kind-hearted girl who wants to heal the world.
My main goal in life is not to pursue happiness, but to achieve it. As far as high school, I would like to become senior president and class valedictorian. I think that I am on the right track of reaching the goal of valedictorian. On a more personal level, one goal that won’t be so easy to achieve is raising my self-esteem. I know that doing so will help me build my confidence and how I perceive myself in general. The list of all my goals for life would probably exceed 5 pages. There is so much that life has to offer and life is too short to limit yourself.
Basically, I’m a small person with a big heart, a lot of smarts, and dreams that are larger than life. The world is filled with so many opportunities and I plan on seizing all of them. There is an endless amount of things to learn and I plan on learning everything I can. Always remember that your body doesn’t define you; your mind does.

Pride In One's Work

In my opinion, no job should be done without hard work, dedication, and great effort. After your task or job is completed, you should always be able to look back on what you have done with great pride. No one should ever look back on his or her work, with disappointment and embarrassment. Because you know your work better than anyone else, being dissatisfied with what you have done means that you have not performed at the best of your abilities. Keeping this in mind, you cannot be prideful in your work unless you have put forth a great effort. Pride in one’s work is important because it is linked to effort and determination to please not only your instructor, but also yourself.

As a student, I always strive to go above and beyond the means of completion. Yes, anyone student can complete an assignment, but an overachiever goes above and beyond what they are required to do. I never turn anything in without checking it thoroughly and making sure that it meets the high expectations I set for myself. Pride is important in one’s work is very important because it is linked to confidence. Why would you hand in a paper or turn in any assignment, knowing that you did not give it your all. If you do not think of what you have done as meaningful, it is almost a guarantee that others will view your work as you do.

In conclusion, pride in one’s work will get that certain individual very far in life. Pride in one’s work allows people to be prepared for the future. It is linked to putting forth your best effort all of the time.


What is diversity? In my opinion, diversity can be perceived as a mixture of different things or groups coexisting amongst each other. In some societies, diversity can make or break it, depending on the people. In American society, diversity plays a major role. People come from all over just to live in this country and so tolerance is vital in order to survive in this country. Although diversity is so transparent in the world, some people do not have a tolerance level to match. There are numerous ways to define diversity and it does not only correspond to people. It is important to be open to new groups and ideas because life will throw things at you that may not be your means of acceptance, but you must still be tolerant of others.

Living in Los Angeles, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, I am a very open-minded and tolerant individual. A large majority of my friends are from cultural, religious, or ethnic backgrounds. In my opinion, diversity is important because it allows people to experience life from a different perspective. Imagine living in a society in which everything was exactly the same. It is unrealistic because the world and its inhabitants are too complex to be limited to one general way of thinking. Some people feel that uniformity, as it corresponds to ideas, would bring about world peace. This could possibly be true, but the sole purpose of living is to experience different things.

Basically, diversity shapes a large part of our society for the better. It introduces people to a nearly endless ways of living. Living in a society that is has no diversity is somewhat like living in a cardboard box. You will be looking at the same walls hearing the same thing, and living everyday all over again. Now, is this the kind fo society you would want to live in.


What is cooperation> According to the Webster Dictionary, cooperation is that act of cooperating, or of operating together to one end. The word cooperation can have an endless number of definitions, but to me, cooperation means unity and functionality amongst a group in order to accomplish a goal. Without cooperation, success cannot be achieved because it is unity. In my opinion, I believe that cooperation is vital in order to go anywhere in life. A classroom cannot function without the cooperation of all its students. A hospital cannot thrive and save many lives without everyone being on the same page. Even the smallest project or gathering such as a study group, cannot function properly if everyone is not willing to cooperate.

Cooperation means functionality to me because the two terms go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. I take this very seriously because I understand how important it is. For example, when my classmates and I play Jeopardy in first period, we would not be able to finish the game unless everyone is willing to listen, learn, compromise and stay on the same page, which are all aspects of cooperation.

Basically, cooperation is the basis of everything. That is how important it is. An empire can be the most powerful empire in the entire world, but it will fall to its knees unless everyone plays their part.


Our means of communicating has changed dramatically within the last 200 years. With the invention of the Internet and cellular devices, communicating with someone can be done in an instant. Language is becoming more simplistic and the art of elaborative speaking is beginning to diminish as we speak. When I was growing up, everyone had a house phone and very few of us had cellular phones. Now, the majority of people I know have a cell phone and do not have house phones. People rarely use complete sentences and have developed abbreviations and acronyms to express themselves. Many of us do not really communicate through letters or phone conversations. Is it because we are too busy? Is it because verbal or face-to-face interactions pose too much of an issue?

There are numerous ways of instant messaging someone. With social networking websites like AIM, Facebook, and Myspace, people no longer feel the need to have face-to-face interactions with one another. An entire relationship can be formed without any face-to-face encounter. In my opinion, this is a bit strange to me

In a nutshell, communications has become more impersonal over the last 20 years. People will form relationships with someone without ever meeting them or even talking to them on the phone. Who knows where it will be in the next 20 years.

Educators Make The Difference

In my opinion, one of the most important professions in the world is an educator. We have all played the role of an educator at least once in our lives. The primary reason a teacher is so important to me is because a teacher gives his or her students one of the best and most important gives anyone can ever receive: knowledge. With that being said, a teacher should always be courteous, an expert in their particular subject, and should be wise and intelligent.  The best way to teach students is to make learning fun because I know that my peers and I grasp information much better when I am being entertained.

If I was a teacher, the first thing I would do is try to find out what type of learner my students are. There are visual learners, audio learners, and many other types of learners. Once I discover what type of learner they are, I would use information to accommodate to the way the majority of my students learn. I would use games like Jeopardy as a method of reviewing information before a test. I would definitely make sure that all of my students were learning, not just to pass the CST, but for their own personal knowledge. After all, there is no CST in college.

It is very important to take into consideration all of your students learning styles, make learning fun, and take pride in what I do because it is very important for each student to grasp the necessary concepts in order to succeed. Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs a person can have. It is even more important than being president.


The human race has come a very long since the Ice Age, and even in that time we were pretty advanced, considering the circumstances. The things that we consider necessities may be considered major advantages or conveniences to someone of an earlier time. Running water, sewage systems, and pre-built homes are a few of the many conveniences we have to make our lives much easier. Try to imagine your home without a toilet, but an outhouse and going to the village well in order to get fresh water. Life would be very difficult without these advances in technology and engineering that we sometimes take for granted.

The things we do today may be considered more than just conveniences. Television and things of this nature are considered luxurious. Nevertheless, these objects of entertainment do have a tendency to make life much easier. They can sometimes relieve stress and keep you current and up to date with the latest news. Having parents with cars is also convenient because we could be using public transportation, which can be very expensive and unreliable over a long period of time. Bus drivers rarely are on schedule.

Conveniences can change a person’s life dramatically. Although must of us do not acknowledge this, the things we do on a regular basis would be much more difficult without the conveniences we have today. A conveniences is always positive

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fame and Fortune

In the words of Lady Gaga, “We live for the fame.” For some reason, the American culture is centered on the obsession with fame and fortune and some will go to great lengths to make this desire a reality. Fortunately, in this era in time, becoming famous is not very difficult to do. Thanks to websites like YouTube and the Internet in general, a person can become very well known, quickly. However, fortune is not very easy to achieve. Nevertheless, fame and fortune come with sacrifices and consequences. Those who are in the limelight have no privacy and have to deal with constant harassment from the paparazzi and the media. People do not take this into consideration when they attempt to be on the “A List.”

 Fame can alter a person’s life dramatically. Privacy is no longer a right that you have. It is a sacrifice you must make in order to be well known. You cannot go to the store or any public place without protection or being followed. If you are used to a simplistic, secluded, and private lifestyle, fame will demolish all of these aspects. It is important to make sure there are no scandals or skeletons in your closet because your past can and will come back to haunt you. It is especially difficult for children in the spotlight.

In conclusion, fame and fortune can add very heavy burdens to your life. Being famous and wealthy are not necessarily bad things, but it would be better to just have fortune, rather than fame. Fortune can benefit you more than fame can.

Pollution! I've Got The Solution!

Los Angeles County is notoriously known for its issues with air pollution, predominately caused by the amount of people who rely on fossil fuel vehicles, which is nearly everyone. The area is always loud and rambunctious, and the freeways are always crowded, especially around 8 am and 5 pm. Fortunately, people have an alternative option, as far as reaching their destination, everyday, which is public transportation. Metro railroads and buses can take a person almost everywhere in Los Angeles County. The buses are environmentally friendly and they offer different payment options to ride on a regular basis. I believe that Los Angeles County would be much better off relying on public transportation, bike riding, or walking to get from point A to point B. This will help decrease the pollution problems

If you were to stand on a plateau or mountain that overlooked Los Angeles County, you would not be able to see the area, clearly, if not, at all. This has very little to do with overcast. The main problem is that this area is covered with smog, caused by the millions of people that use fossil fuel powered vehicles. If everyone could afford a hybrid vehicle, the problem could easily be fixed. Unfortunately, this type of vehicle is not in everyone’s financial budget. The next best thing would be to use public transportation, such as the Metro. If everyone were required to take the train, bus, bicycle or walk to work, Los Angeles County would be a much cleaner area. The Metro public transportation company is one of the largest clean air public transportation chains, in the world.

In conclusion, if the law required everyone in overpopulated areas to use public transportation, walking, and riding bikes as a means of transportation, the city would possibly be able to stop and reverse pollution and have healthier citizens. It is a very drastic step, but if we expect a change, we need to make changes that are ultimately in everyone’s best interests.

Public Health Concern

 America is one of the most overweight countries in the world. Obesity has no particular face, race, age, or ethnicity. Anyone can fall victim to such a disorder. This is a major health concern that is taken very lightly. Being overweight causes many health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and an endless number of complications. Unfortunately, obesity is beginning to take the face of many children in America. Some may wonder what can be more upsetting than knowing your child’s life is being shortened. However, what is more upsetting than this is knowing that some parents do not care that their children are overweight and do not view this as a problem.

I was never a very overweight person, myself. However, living in America, I see obesity everyday. I see children that appear to weigh as much as I do, at the age of 5 and 6. I understand that everyone comes in all shapes and sizes, but there is such a thing as size unhealthy. It breaks my heart to see children who are severely overweight and it angers me when I see their parents further enhance the problem by buying them unhealthy foods. Children pick up these bad habits from their parents. Unless parents realize what they are allowing their child to eat is killing them, than the problem will never be solved.

Although we live in one of the most obese countries, people are taking this issue very lightly, especially in children. They advertise the horrors of obesity and the problems that come from this disorder, but parents are still insisting on feeding their children unhealthy foods. Just a few simple changes, such as what your child eats after school, can make the difference, over a course of time. Why make your child’s life more difficult than it has to be.

Teenage Smoking

Smoking is a very serious problem in American society. It was introduced during the colonization of America. It will continue to be an issue, so long as it continues to be sold in stores. The basis of its appeal is sophistication, relaxation, and the image of being “cool”, which are very important aspects of teenage life. Adolescents feel pressured to do things that will make them for in with the rest of their peers; ignorant to the negative affects this mentality can have on their well-being. For example, smoking has extremely harmful affects on the body. It has negative affects on the brain, blackens the lungs, and inevitably shortens your life. The nicotine in cigarettes causes you to be addicted to smoking, so that you become compelled to buy the more cigarettes.

Picking up the habit of smoking, is a horrible habit to take on, especially at a young age. When you pick up bad habits at an early age, they become very difficult to break up. Since cigarettes contain poisonous ingredients, those ingredients counteract against the growth and development of the young body. As a teen, you are still growing and developing into adulthood, both physically and mentally. Smoking ruins the body and smoking as a teen is a horrible decision to make because you are destroying your underdeveloped self.

In conclusion, smoking as a teen can lead to a life long physical and mental struggle. As the age-old phrase states, “old habits die hard.” Why make your life harder than it has to be by picking up the habit of smoking. Teenage smoking leads to a life long struggle of addiction.

Math Is Important

Math is a universal subject. Unlike other subjects, math remains the same no matter where you are in the world because it is logic. In Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, South America, and Australia, 2+2 will always equal 4. These are the laws of the universe that can never be altered. Math is so important because it plays a major role in everyday life. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, the majority of the things you we do involve mathematics. Math has been a part of the world before the world was even formed.

Although my high school requires 3 years of Math and 4 years of English, I still will take the personal initiative to take 5 years of math because I know that math is just as important as English. Language is an extremely important aspect in the world as well, but I view math as a language that has been in existence for thousands of years. It is important to grasp math skills in order to succeed in life.

In conclusion, math is so important in school, as it is in life because the universe is made up of numbers and numbers deal with everything that is done in life. It plays a major role in everything we do and some aspects of mathematics may have something to do with English. Logic remains the same no matter where you are. Therefore, math never changes. Math makes up the universe, which is why math is such an important subject in school and in life.

The Food We Eat

When it comes to food everyone has their own way of selecting what they consume. I personally look for the amount of calories and the nutritional facts that are in my best interest. However, the majority of people may select their meals by quantity, taste and price and nutritional values, as well. Over all the methods for selecting food, taste overshadows all. People rely on taste and affordability because saving money is always a good thing and families are more likely to eat food that is more appealing in taste.

In this era in time, families are becoming more and more financially incapable of buying food for their families. With that being said, most people look food that is inexpensive, or in their financial range, although it may not always be in the best interest of their family’s health. Some people are vegetarians so they do not even consider meat, when they select the food they eat. Others try to live as healthy as they can, so they select food that is going to give them nutrients and are low in calories. My mom always makes sure she buys fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I am a huge calorie counter so I select food that are low in calories, promotes my well-being and health. Being a vegetarian means that I need more nutrients than the average person.

People have different reasons for selecting food they eat. There are so many reasons, in fact, that it is too difficult to generalize the way everyone selects the food they eat. I know that when I select food, my health and well-being overshadows the costs. I look for nutritional facts and calories because I know that I cannot put a price on my health

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Public Transportation

Many cities suffer from serious air and noise pollution- as well as endless traffic jams- because of too many cars.  Some people feel that cities with extensive public transportation systems should ban passenger cars and force people to walk, ride bike, or use public transportation. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?

Los Angeles County is possibly one of the most overpopulated areas in the United States. As of 2008, the population in Los Angeles has reached about 10 million, which has more than likely dramatically increased, within the last two years (Google). Because this area has more than reached its limits, in regards to its inhabitants, there are many issues that have come with such an excessive amount of people. Los Angeles County is notoriously known for its issues with air pollution, predominately caused by the amount of people who rely on fossil fuel vehicles, which is nearly everyone. The area is always loud and rambunctious, and the freeways are always crowded, especially around 8 am and 5 pm. Fortunately, people have an alternative option, as far as reaching their destination, everyday, which is public transportation. Metro railroads and buses can take a person almost everywhere in Los Angeles County. The buses are environmentally friendly and they offer different payment options to ride on a regular basis. I believe that Los Angeles County would be much better off relying on public transportation, bike riding, or walking to get from point A to point B. This will help decrease the pollution problems and it can even help improve the health of many people.

If you were to stand on a plateau or mountain that overlooked Los Angeles County, you would not be able to see the area, clearly, if not, at all. This has very little to do with overcast. The main problem is that this area is covered with smog, caused by the millions of people that use fossil fuel powered vehicles. If everyone could afford a hybrid vehicle, the problem could easily be fixed. Unfortunately, this type of vehicle is not in everyone’s financial budget. The next best thing would be to use public transportation, such as the Metro. If everyone were required to take the train, bus, bicycle or walk to work, Los Angeles County would be a much cleaner area. The Metro public transportation company is one of the largest clean air public transportation chains, in the world. The buses do not produce smog, and the trains are powered by electricity. Riding a bike and walking are powered by the energy found in the human body, which definitely does not contribute to the pollution epidemic.

When people drive their cars to work, they are not getting much physical activity, during the day. It is important for everyone to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity, everyday. Sitting in a car and then behind a desk for several hours, is not in your best health interest. Walking and riding your bike to work or school allows you to get the exercise that you usually do not have time to fit into your busy schedule. Since America is one of the most overweight countries, the amount of overweight people could decrease overtime.

In conclusion, if the law required everyone in overpopulated areas to use public transportation, walking, and riding bikes as a means of transportation, the city would possibly be able to stop and reverse pollution and have healthier citizens. It is a very drastic step, but if we expect a change, we need to make changes that are ultimately in everyone’s best interests.

US Census Bureau Population Division, October 1, 2010, Google 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Internet

The internet, also known as the World Wide Web is the largest communications network in the world. The internet connects people from nearly any place on Earth. The things that you can do on the internet are almost endless. It is a great place for shopping, advertising, communicating,


Change of Plans

In life, nothing is ever guranteed. It is very important to always have a plan B and be prepared for anything life throws at you. For example, if I were given one hundred dollars to buy a concert ticket and I lost half of my money, plans would definitely have to change. My original plan was to go to the concert and then go get something to eat after the show, with my friends. Since my friends would not leave me alone,we would all come to a compromise that would be fun and work for all of us. My friends and I would go to the movies and then get something to eat. This is a full proof plan B because we would still get home at the same time we would, if we were going to the concert.

The primary reason that another plan would be necessary in this situation because borrowring money from my friends would pose a financial issue for them because they would not have enough money to buy their ticket and then get something to eat afterwards. This plan B fits into everyone's budget and we can possibly save money for the next time we go out.

Sometimes a change of plans can work out in everyone's best interest. This alternative plan saves money, it isn't too time consuming, and it is still fun. Sometimes life requires you to be very optimistic and pessimistic

Ideal Vacation

My idea of a dream vacation is one that has many thrills, adventures, and an experience unlike any other. I would not want to vacation on an island, just yet. I would much rather be with many teens around my age, exploring a new country together. My ideal vacation would be through the People to People program. I would want to go to Australia for about 3 weeks. In the process, I would be making new friends, exploring a new world, and experiencing a culture outside of my own.

Australia seems like a very unique and adventurous place to vacation. My new found friends and I would go snorkeling in the coral reefs. Our eyes would light up as we see the tropical fish swim by. I would take a million pictures and put them all in my scrapbook. I think I would be most excited about trying new, exotic cuisine. I am not sure if Australian cuisine is very different from American cuisine, but I will try my best not to eat anything that I could eat at home. Hopefully, we would be able to visit the outback. I know that I would miss my family, but I would be having such a good time.

My dream vacation is something that I hope to make a reality someday. The sole purpose of a vacation, in my eyes, is to experience the unknown. Island pace seems too slow for me. I need a vacation that is filled with excitement. I need Australia.


America is one of the most overweight  country in the world. Obesity has no particular face, race, age, or ethnicity. Anyone can fall victim to such a disorder. Being overweight not only causes physical problems, but social and personal, as well. They often deal with mockery, which can lead to a low self-esteem. Sometimes those who suffer from obesity feel a sense of hopelessness and despair.

I was never a very overweight person, myself. However, living in America, I see obesity every day and and I see the humiliation that some people have to face, because of their size. Almost everything is a constant reminder of their size. The seats on the train, buses and nearly all public things are not designed to accommodate people who are overweight. They usually have to sit in two seats in order to be comfortable. I cannot imagine living in a world that constantly reminds you of how out of place you are. It must make you become very lonesome.

Although we live in one of the most obese countries, we do not accommodate to people who are overweight. In a way, this a tactic to help motivate people who are overweight, but at the expense of someone's self-esteem. Everyday is a constant reminder of how out of place you are in the world. It is even more difficult for children, in school. No, I do not support obesity and I am a firm believer in everyone trying to reach a health goal, but no one should be humiliated and ridiculed.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


     In the science world, similar attractions have a tendency to repel against one another, while opposites attract. This law in science holds great truth in people, in most cases. Sometimes people who are similar, do not get along very well. People who are different, balance each other. For example, my friend Jade and I have different interests, but we are like a dynamic duo.
   Jade and I are not polar opposites but  we do not have the same ideas and interests. She is more adventurous and has a lot more worldly experiences than I do. She also wants to join the national guard. I have not really been anywhere besides Las Vegas, and I definitely do not want to have anything to do with the military. Although we have different interests and come from different places in life, we get along great, we never argue and there is never a dull moment when we get together. We balance each other.
     Befriending people who share the exact same interests and backgrounds that you do, is not always in your best interests. It is important to branch out and embrace diversity.It is good to have a difference of opinion and perspectives.

Explain Outdoor Living To A Person With An Apartment In The City

     The city life is very fast paced and it does not allow its inhabitants to appreciate the natural beauty around them. Sometimes we should take it a couple paces back and smell the roses. Living outside is one way to relax. There are not many pressures that come with this lifestyle, compared to that of the city. There is a lot of work that comes with living outdoors, but it is worth it.
     It is often a very difficult transition for those who have not experienced nature at it's purest. The sound of a trickling stream, birds chirping, and the rustling of the leaves from the wind creates the ambiance This sunrise is like no other and the sky is lit with stars at night. In the city, the sreet lamps overshadow nature's luminance. It is a very simplistic life, but there are not many stores available there. You learn to live with the land instead of from it. You develop a greater appreciation for the world around you.
    The outdoor lifestyle and city lifestyle are very different, but they do have some similarities. Although they both involve working the city life doesn't allow you to appreciate the little things in life. Living a lifestyle that is calm and collected makes you see life for what it really is

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Moment of Bliss

One moment of pure happiness occurred a couple of days ago. My sister was in Hawaii, which is where my older sister lives. I got a phone call from my dad that evening and I was excited that I would be speaking to my sister, whom I haven’t spoken to in years. I was very nervous when I heard her say hello, and quite surprised that her tone and way of speaking is similar to mine. I could tell by the way she said hello that she was smiling, just as I was. What we already knew about each other was from the answers to the millions of questions that we had asked our father, about one another. We caught up on so many things and the conversation was not awkward, at all. The conversation lasted for a while, but I was expecting an exam the next day, so it had to come to an end. But, I was able to get her cell phone number. My night was filled with stress, but in that moment, none of that mattered anymore. I cried tears of joy, which is rare for me. I was just so happy!


 Many parents give children a weekly or monthly allowance regardless of their behavior they believe an allowance teaches children to be financially responsible. Other parents only give children an allowance as a reward for completing chores or when they have behaved properly. Explain what you think parents should do and why?

Allowance is a system of payment between parents and their children. The sole purpose of the allowance system is to expose children to financial management and responsibility. I also believe that it introduces children to the idea of earning their keep. In the work force, a person cannot earn a full paycheck unless their performance and work ethic is up to par. Children should not be given an allowance if their behavior is not up to their parents’ standards or if they have not successfully completed their household chores. Enforcing this code of conduct and work ethic is in the best interest of the child because it prepares them for the work force and children will develop a sense of appreciation for what they earn.
In the work force, adults will not earn a full paycheck unless they perform each task that corresponds to their job title successfully and efficiently, at all times. If negative behavior continues, it can result in suspension without pay, or even being fired. Instilling these principles in children, at any early age, will give them an advantage in the future. They will get adjusted to the idea of working hard, to make a profit of any kind. As I always say, there is nothing that anyone can give you that you cannot earn yourself.
When people work hard to accomplish a goal or earn a paycheck, they develop a deeper sense of appreciation for what they have. If you give a child an allowance, regardless of their behavior and work ethic, they will never know the value of a dollar. For example, a relative of mine does not perform well in school, both academically and behavior wise, and does not take care of the possessions he already owns. Yet, his parents continue to reward him, although he is irresponsible and does not deserve what he gets. No matter what he receives, he never treats it with great care and appreciation because he has developed the mindset that he can get anything he so desires, no matter the circumstances. With this mentality, he will never be able to handle real life.
In conclusion, giving a child an allowance when they do not deserve it is ultimately setting them up for failure because as an adult, nothing is ever handed to you, you must earn it by working hard, or, in the words of Mr. Wallace “Giving everything, all the time.”  Making your child earn an allowance by displaying good behavior or completing their chores will prepare them for the real world and the future. America is a very competitive society so it is important to make sure your child is one step ahead of the competition.


Due to the success of cloning other mammals, scientists are getting closer to creating the first human clone. Human Cloning is the making of an identical copy of a human being from a skin or cell sample. Although cloning is considered to be a breakthrough in the world of science, it is still an extremely controversial subject. Many people see cloning as a positive step for mankind. For example, couples that cannot produce eggs or sperm can have a child, humans will have the perfect organ donors, and there will be a greater chance of having a healthy infant. Others feel that cloning takes away individuality, it is unsafe, humans would be manufactured, it can cause human beings to become extinct, and it is inhumane. Man will be altered to one’s specifications, rather than having their own sense of characteristics.

Because cloning is creating a life to meet our specifications, it can be easy to see why it appeals to so many people. Since scientists can alter a clone’s genes and characteristics, there is less likely to have an ill or physically disabled child. Man can create their idea of the “perfect child.” Couples that are unable to have children, due to their inability to produce sperm cells or eggs, can still have a child of their own. Sometimes humans need vital organs in order to survive. Since a clone is an exact replica of its “host”, the human will be able to receive those vital organs. Surgeons will not have to spend weeks finding a donor. Cloning has a few positive aspects. It can take out the surprises that natural conception may have, and it can even safe your life.

Although cloning appears to be the answer to most of man’s genetic problems, there are negative aspects to “playing God.” The unique thing about human beings is that they are all different. In the history of the entire world, there will never be nor can there be another you. Human cloning takes away this sense of individuality. Cloning can make healthier humans, but the process itself isn’t safe. Over 90% of cloning attempts have not been successful. Those who choose to act as the carrier are putting themselves in harms way, just as well as the clone itself is in harms way. Most attempts have been miscarriages and stillbirths. Since cloning is creating life, one may wonder how man can become extinct from it. Although it seems very far-fetched, it is a possibility. There is a chance that inbreeding can occur, which will ultimately cause us to die off. It ties into natural selection. Humans will most likely mate with a clone in order to give birth to “the best of the best.” There is also a risk of carrying a harmful gene to all humans, which is likely to happen, considering clones are exactly the same as the humans they are made from. Last, but not least, there is a possibility that clones can become more accomplished than their “creator.” Clones can become smarter, stronger, and greater than humans, in general. If they discover that they are more superior, they could potentially take over the human race. The created could seek to destroy the creator.

Personally, I am against human cloning. I understand and take into consideration the advantages that it may have for some, however it is simply unnatural and inhumane. People are meant to be individuals. If this were not the case, we’d all be the same. Diversity is what makes the world what it is: special. I enjoy knowing that there can never be another Sierra Henderson. I love knowing that no one else has my fingerprints. Why would I want to voluntarily diminish my individuality? Also, it is playing God. Only God should have the power to determine who we are. Apparently, He respects and embraces diversity, by making us all different. Last but not least, it can result to the end or downfall of the human race and the sense of being humane. Clones will most likely be treated like animals rather than humans, in the beginning, which can result in our downfall, in the end.

Human cloning, like most things in life, has positive and negative aspects. I personally believe that the cons outweigh the pros. Human cloning is unsafe not only from a medical standpoint, but from a social, economic and political point of view. Cloning even has the potential to bring back slavery. In my opinion, the research devoted to cloning should be abolished completely.  A person’s individuality is the one thing they have to call their own. Why would we strip mankind of their sense of self?

Work Cited

Thursday, October 7, 2010

If You Were A Doctor...

If I could become any type of doctor, it would be an optometrist. There are many types of doctors out there, but I have a special connection to matters of the eye, considering I have had issues with my eyes, since I was born.
The most important aspects of working in the medical field are experience, credibility, loyalty, and personal relationships with the clients. These are qualities that I would posses as a doctor. I would want my patients to view me as a member of their family. I would specialize in the surgical division.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Imagine You Were Twenty Feet Tall...

If I were twenty feet tall, the world would look completely different to me. I was always one of the shortest people in my grade level, so it would be interesting to look down to speak to people, especially my friends. I would enjoy a change in perspective, although being exceptionally tall would pose many problems. Society is not designed for in favor of very short and very tall people.
Being twenty feet tall would draw attention from many people. I would not mind the glares, comments, and questions, although they would become redundant. Most likey, I would not be able to go about my life as I did, prior to my grow spurt. I would not be able to enter a classroom or even my house without taking up too much space. I would feel very out of place in society.
I often pondered what it would be like to be twenty feet tall. My fascination with height is primarily based off of my view of the world from a 5'2 perspective. Although people often joke about my height, I would not want to be any taller. As I said before, the world is not designed for people who are twenty feet.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Describe One Thing You Are Good At

   Although some people choose to believe that they have no special skills, everyone has their level of expertise in at least one particular subject. One thing that I am good at is excelling in school. Ever since I was a little girl, I did the best I could and earned no less than a B in any subject. School is very broad and has a plethora of subjects. But, I can honestly say that whatever subject I come across, I fight for an A no matter what it takes.
   I am aware that performing well in school does not necessarily count as a talent, but it still something that I am good at. I am not trying to make it appear as if school is a breeze because some subjects are more challenging than others. I believe that anyone can do well in school, but it depends on whether the individual chooses to apply themselves properly. Even when I am finished with school, I will never stop learning

Invent A New Sandwich

   The name of my edible invention is the Oey Goey Sweetheart. The Oey Goey Sweetheart is composed of Nutella, melted marshmallows, chunky honey roasted peanut butter on toasted whole wheat bread with a drizzle of honey.
   In order to make an Oey Goey Swwetheart, you must start off by toasting your whole wheat bread until it is golden brown. Then, you spread chunky honey roasted peanut butter on one slice and Nutella on the other. You grab a handfull of marshmallows and put them in a microwave safe bowl and microwave it for 1 minute. Spread te marshmallows on the peanut butter, while it is still hot. Finally, put the two pieces of bread together and drizzle a bit of honey on the top. Add powdered sugar if desired.

And The Winner Is...

   Today was the day that I was closing one chapter of my life and opening another. So long to the middle school world and it's burdens. I was getting my diploma and would be entering high school in the fall. I would definitely miss all of my friends, but there was something that was on my mind for weeks; who would win salutatorian and valedictorian.
   My friends and I were aware that we had the top GPAs of our class. But, we had the same GPAs throughout middle school, which made the decision more difficult. We all believed that the other was victorious and we thought that there would possibly be a tie.
   It was time to announce the winners. There were two trophies of the same size and one larger one. Our wish had come true. When they called my name to receive salutatorian, I was elated. I was more happy to know that we had won an award that we had all earned

Super Powers

If is safe to say that we all have dreamed of having super powers. The idea of being super human is quite appealing, considering it gives us a sense of power. If I could have any super power, it would be the ability to fly. In my opinion, being able to take flight is one of the most thrilling experiences that someone can have.
   If I were able to fly, the things I would be able to do and the places I would be able to go would seem endless. The best thing about this ability is self reliance. If I needed to go to the store, I would not have to wait around for someone else. All of my comings and goings would be on my time. The stress of being late to school would no longer be present. In addition to the necessary things, sometimes I would fly for the enjoyment.
   A life with super powers would be wonderful, especially the power of flight. Flying opens so many doors and there are endless possibilities. Overall, what appeals to me the most is being able to rely on myself.

If I Could Spend Time With Any Extended Family Member...

   If I could spend time with any extended family members it would be my cousins Ashley and Ronneisha. We used to spend so much time together, when we were younger. It would be nice to be able to reconnect with them. If given a weekend together, I think we would reminisce about what we did when we were younger and build an even stronger bond.
   One thing we have in common is our love for music. We enjoy writing music, listening to music, dancing and singing. We would construct many songs and dance routines I believe that we would have heart to hears and share our deepest secrets with one another. Because my cousins are in college and have a license, the places we would go would seem endless.
   The best thing about family is knowing that the connection will always be strong no matter what life throws at us. There would be no awkward feelings between us, although we have not spent that much time together. I am still looking forward to this wonderful weekend.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Feel Anxiety
My heart continues to beat
Is this happening?

He is dead to me
The dirt beneath my feet speak
We are worth much more

The nightmare comes back
It will not leave ‘till I speak
Why am I so afraid?

It is time to tell
What I reveal is unreal
It will alter life

My dark days are done
I am opening the door
The shadows no more

It’s Over
Your controls is over
Actions speak louder than words
I am moving on

God Bless You
Prayer is the key
I do not for you but me
Please confess for me

The Fact
The fact is you won’t
But I will not either so
Time to let this go

And The Winner Is…
And the winner is
Me because I overcame
I am not a victim

She Taught Me Chinese
Wo xiaong chi recall
Wo de learning this language
She taught me Chinese