Sunday, October 31, 2010


The human race has come a very long since the Ice Age, and even in that time we were pretty advanced, considering the circumstances. The things that we consider necessities may be considered major advantages or conveniences to someone of an earlier time. Running water, sewage systems, and pre-built homes are a few of the many conveniences we have to make our lives much easier. Try to imagine your home without a toilet, but an outhouse and going to the village well in order to get fresh water. Life would be very difficult without these advances in technology and engineering that we sometimes take for granted.

The things we do today may be considered more than just conveniences. Television and things of this nature are considered luxurious. Nevertheless, these objects of entertainment do have a tendency to make life much easier. They can sometimes relieve stress and keep you current and up to date with the latest news. Having parents with cars is also convenient because we could be using public transportation, which can be very expensive and unreliable over a long period of time. Bus drivers rarely are on schedule.

Conveniences can change a person’s life dramatically. Although must of us do not acknowledge this, the things we do on a regular basis would be much more difficult without the conveniences we have today. A conveniences is always positive

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