Research shows that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Write an essay persuading readers to spend less time in front of the TV.
We are currently living in an era where technology plays a major role in our lives Computers are beginning to take the place of television, but television still remains one of the top electronic devices. According to researchers, the average American watches 6 hours of television daily, which, in my opinion, is absolutely too long. There are so many more productive things that could have been done in those 6 hours that does not involve looking at a large screen all day. People should spend of less of their time watching television because watching television for a long period of time promotes laziness, and it is a waste of electricity
Watching television requires very little physical activity. In fact, in my opinion, it requires no physical activity at all. You are literarily sitting in the same position for hours, without even realizing it. If the average American watches television for 6 hours every day, then a person becomes accustomed to sitting down or being non productive for six hours, daily. This is how people become lazy or “couch potatoes” because it becomes a part of their daily routine. With the knowledge that not everyone exercises for an hour everyday as recommend, it is very easy to gain weight by just sitting and eating while watching television for a quarter of the day. Unless you want to become a couch potato, become extremely lazy or gain an excessive amount of weight, I suggest you put down that remote and get active.
Energy is becoming less and less easy to attain. There are researchers looking for ways to conserve more energy, but one of the best ways to save energy is by cutting down on the amount of energy we use everyday. Watching television for six hours is not a necessity. No one will die or be affected negatively by not watching television. It is a huge waste of electricity. Think of all the countries and places in the world who are still unable to harness electricity, the way we have. Yes, it is fine to enjoy the pleasures of life, but it is important to acknowledge when we are getting carried away. Using electricity for six hours straight, towards something that is not productive, is definitely abusing a privilege. Yes, electricity is a privilege. Also, imagine how much money you can save every month by cutting back on the amount of television you watch.
Television has more than made its mark on people, since its invention. However, it does not mean that we have to become slaves to a T.V. screen. Six hours of television a day is far too much and it has to be unhealthy. If you want to prevent laziness and cut down on the amount of energy you use, please consider cutting down the amount of television you watch. It can save you money, help the environment, and prevent a weight problem before it begins.
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