Something that I have always believed is that the many negative qualities that people have are based on ignorance. They were spoon fed information that developed their way of speaking, thinking, etc, unaware of why. Prejudice ideas are also based off of ignorance. They are perspectives developed off of what other people think or one encounter. People are usually have a prejudice attitude against other groups of people.
In my opinion, a prejudice mindset starts at home. Children are a reflection of what their parents. For example, on an episode of the Tyra Show, a couple raised their children to be prejudice against other races, outside of their own. But, when Tyra asked the children why they felt that way, they did not have an explanation. The effect of prejudice is lack of tolerance. Imagine living in a society in which everything was exactly the same. It is unrealistic because the world and its inhabitants are too complex to be limited to one general way of thinking. Some people feel that uniformity, as it corresponds to ideas, would bring about world peace. This could possibly be true, but the sole purpose of living is to experience different things.
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