Thursday, December 9, 2010


Elementary and secondary schools around the country are beginning to actively address the problem of bullies. In your own opinion, is bullying an issue that should be addressed by the school or left to parents? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Bullying is becoming a very controversial issue, in American society. Although bullying begins at school, for most students, it does not end there. Students use social networking websites to verbally abuse each other or one particular person, which is known as cyber bullying. Realistically speaking, most teenagers do not like to discuss bullying with their parents, and are too afraid to tell an administrator or authority figure, at school. But, I do believe that school officials should address bullying, rather than getting the parents involved. Although parents do have the parental right to know what is going on with their child, parents do have a tendency to blow situations out of proportion, which can make things worse for their child. School officials should address bullying because the students are in their care, and when victims choose to take matters into their own hands, it generally ends in tragedy.

Children spend the majority of their day in school. With that being said, I believe that their learning environment should be one of the places they feel most comfortable. The staff and administration are responsible for the safety and well being of every child that attends the school, from the first bell, until the dismissal bell rings. Harassment from other peers usually takes place at school, which makes it the school’s responsibility to settle any disputes that occur on school grounds, before the situation reaches a climax. I am aware that teachers and staff are a small population, compared to their students and cannot be everywhere all of the time. But, if ever they suspect any kind of harassment, I think they should act on their instincts and talk to the victim. Teachers are more than educators; they are mentors and guardians, to a certain extent.

This country has seen some of the worst tragedies, due to bullying. In most cases, the victim decides to seek revenge on those who tormented them. For example, the Columbine High School massacre that occurred on April 20, 1999, was a result of constant harassment and bullying from other students. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a killing spree and held the entire school hostage for hours. 12 were killed, and some were injured. Not only was this a murder, but also a mass murder suicide. The two boys killed themselves, after all of the damage had already been done, leaving behind years of trauma and heartache for the victims and their families. This tragedy would have never happened if their peers did not constantly bully them. I am not trying to justify their approach to the situation, but the bullies are at fault, as well. The staff and administration at the school could have possibly prevented the situation from reaching that point. According to reports, their parents were negligent, which supports my stance on this issue. Some parents do not pay attention to their children, which is why the school should handle such situations, depending on the circumstances.

In conclusion, parents do have a right to be involved with certain situations, but I feel that the school should handle bullying because it more than likely takes place on campus. Children are in the school’s care for the majority of the day and when victims choose to take matters into their own hands, it generally ends in tragedy.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Favorite Film

A great and epic film comes along as often as a shooting star is seen streaming across the night sky. Some movies have the power to impact an entire generation, while others fail to rise to the occasion. With that being said, not all great films are given the recognition or publicity that they deserve. If you mention the film V for Vendetta, you will more than likely encounter a very puzzled expression, followed by the question, “what movie is that?” I know this because I used to be that person. After I saw this film, I fell in love with it and even felt a tad guilty for my ignorance of such a powerful movie. V for Vendetta is my favorite movie because it shows that the power of people as a whole, can overcome any form of oppression, even being oppressed by their government. It also stresses the importance of knowing and protecting your inalienable rights. I believe that everyone should see this movie so that they never fall victim to totalitarian rule and if they ever do, they will know how to address the issue.

The film takes place in England, in the future. In this time era, there is a war going that led to the collapse of America and England has been taken over by a dictator, who ensures the “protection” of the citizens of the country by using terror tactics and intimidation. This movie is very similar to George Orwell’s 1984. There is a man, who simply goes by V, trying to save the entire country from the totalitarian rule, by reminding them of what they have lost and what this country has become. In the film, V says, “People should not be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of its people.” This character is so eloquently spoken throughout the entire film. But, it is this particular statement that holds so much power. I cannot reveal the ending of the film, but what I can say is that this statement acts as one of the film’s many themes and holds great truth, as far as how people should view their power in society.

What our government tells us may not always be true. There are many conspiracy theories circling around, and there have always been. But, it is quite simple for government officials to create “epidemics” and blame them on someone else. Some people in power, or those who are trying to gain power, use this strategy so that they can be viewed as the savior. In return for salvation, they seek complete control and compliance from everyone. This is one of the ways that the dictator in V for Vendetta was able to control the people of England. Some people believed that George Bush used 911 to have more control over the people. The document that followed this was The USA PATRIOT Act, which violates our 4th Amendment. This film is like a warning to all people. It is easier than it may seem to take control over an entire country.

In conclusion, V for Vendetta is a film that is completely underrated. It makes people realize that they are the most powerful force in their government, not the government itself. It also warns people by making them aware of the ways a totalitarian can come about and take over. This is a wonderful film and I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs are age-old rivals. Well, this is according to people. They are both animals, but they are very different. I have never owned a cat, but I have been around them and they seem very quiet. I have had a dog before, and they are much easier to play with and get along with.

Cats seem like they keep to themselves and are willing to play whenever they feel like it. Dogs are always willing to play with you, you can pet them and they are not very moody. Being around any moody person or animal is kind of nerve wrecking. Cats seem like they lay around a lot and they are very hard to get along with. They just seem really wrapped up in themselves and I like to play around and love and animal and for an animal to love me. I am not saying all cats are like this, and perhaps I will meet a cat that has different qualities than the ones that I listed. But, from what I have observed and from the stories I have heard, they just do not seem like fun animals.

I think that dogs really are man’s best friends. They are very loyal and energetic and I enjoy being around them. With a dog, I feel very protected and loved at the same time. I get closer to a dog and they are very fun to be around. Dogs are just wonderful and I love them very much.

Formal and Casual

The idea of formal clothing has changed within the last 50 years. Today, many people consider a nice evening gown or dress and a suit to be formal clothing. But, let us not forget that in the past, people wore this type of attire everyday. In the 1800s, people dressed extravagantly on a regular basis. Back then, this “formal” attire may have been considered casual. I do not think that today’s idea of casual is better or worse than the clothes that were worn, in the past. I do think that men look nice when they wear a collard shirt and tie, however. But, some people think that this type of attire should only be worn on special occasions.

People do look at you differently when you wear formal clothing. It is a sense of maturity that most people assume you have, just based on how you look. I do not think that this is correct, but this is how society thinks. Casual clothing would be considered a shirt with a pair of jeans, which I have to say, is very comfortable. But, I doubt that someone would wear this to a wedding. It is simply not appropriate for the occasion.

Formal clothes are not better or worse than causal. They are both a form of clothing and one is more comfortable than the other. I definitely think that there is a time and place for a type of outfit and casual clothes do not go with every occasion.

Raw and Cooked

Food is important, in order to live. If you think that you can live without food, you are a bit mistaken. Food comes in many different forms and many people have different ideas of what food is. Food could be bugs to some people, live bugs at that. Some people think that it is wasteful not to eat every bit of an animal. Some people believe that food is not food if it is raw while others believe that raw food is the real food. Raw food and cooked food is a very simple subject to compare. It is simple to scratch the surface and just say that one is cooked and one is not. But, it is so much more to it than that.

Some raw food is pretty good, while it is in its uncooked state. For example, vegetables and fruits are better for you when they are fresh. They still retain all of their nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. If you cook a vegetable, it may taste better, but that does not mean that it is still as good for you.

Some foods are better when cooked because you can get sick if you eat them raw. Some people do eat raw meat; I do not think it is very healthy to do so. Raw meat can have worms and since you do not get to see how your meet is processed, you do not know what kind of bacteria is in it. You can season raw meat and eat it, but I doubt it’ll taste the same and I really think it is unhealthy.

Spicy and Sweet

It is a flame that cannot be extinguished for a very long time
It can come from a pepper, or many different spices
Nevertheless, you send off a signal to the brain
My taste buds are numb, and my mouth is in pain
You have a taste, but you also have the potentially to numb the rest of my mouth
After I eat too much of it, I feel like I want to scream and shout
Spicy foods, you know you are just like a hot flame
Blazing without any ammunition to get you started
After that one taste of you, I do not know what to do
My mouth just hurts so badly
Many people love you, many people avoid you, and many people hate you
Many want you, but they cannot take the pain
Leaving me gasping for air and a tummy ache
It is just too bad you taste so great!

You are everyone’s guilty pleasure
You take many forms and shapes
Whether you are a pastry, a fruit or even a cold frozen treat
You taste so good to me
Sweet food, you have a way of making me want more and more
I do not love you, but I adore you
But just like the spicy, you sometimes leave me with regret
When I sit and rub my stomach, I fret
Why did I overindulge?
You taste sol good, like heaven and a dream
Kids, adults, and teens we all love you, but you don’t love us back
You can cause diabetes and are no good
But you taste so good
Yet, I feel so guilty

Weather (Poems that describe how it affects the mood)

The air outside is warm and seems to sooth my soul
The perfect temperature to loose the jacket but it would still be fine to have it
The wind seems to supply us with this gentle breeze, warm
This pleases me, and everyone around me too
There smiles seem brighter, their attitudes much lighter
What is it about the mid 70s?
The reason escapes me, but I do not try to seek this truth
It is one of those things that only God would understand
After all, He is the man with the master plan
This weather, warm, yet cool

The rain seems to be falling down from the sky
Heavy, you can hear it hit the window
When you breathe, it can be seen
Me, I am usually bundled up in a warm coat
How can I still be cold?
When I get in a warm space I feel the warm air beneath surrounding me
This warm air makes me feel very sleepy. How can I be?
By the time lunch hits, I am in the mood for homemade chili.
I wish we had a fireplace because I would bundle up and sleep there, for sure
This cold weather is so hard to ignore
It puts me in a sleepy place

This is unbearable
I feel like I am in a sauna
I dread stepping outside and I can feel the sweat run down my forehead
No jacket for me, even if it was cool this morning
The only words in my head are shade and AC
Everyone seems so grumpy
Could it be this blazing heat?
Probably, because I am in a bad mood to
Clouds, where are you?

Homeschool vs. Public

Public schooling and home schooling are very different. Almost anyone can be a teacher, if one chooses to be a home schooling teacher. They do not need degrees, there is no CST, and there can even be no test, if that is what they desire it to be. See, this is what homeschooling means to me. It is a life of ease. But there are different forms of such an art, most students wish they could take. Come, get your packets, then leave. I’ll see you in a week. It all depends on the teacher, the educator. But, just like public schooling, a teacher has the potential to lose their spunk.

Public school has rules but is not so sheltered. There are a cornucopia of personalities all mashed together in a somewhat spacious campus, with teachers from far and wide. All these teachers must have degrees and a will to survive. Why? Well, let’s just say this is a place like no other. It is not the jungle, but not peaceful, compared to other. But, what a better opportunity to experience a life outside of your perception of normality, this is what I think. Public school is like preparation for real life. Not everyone is going to like you, not all things will go your way. There is a whole world out there to see and that is why public school is for me.

The two share more differences, I must say. No one is better than the other; it just depends on your ways.

Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge and understanding go hand and hand. As a matter of fact, you cannot really have one without the other. How can you call yourself knowledgeable if you have not grasped an understanding of a particular subject?

In order to attain a good education, you must make an effort to understand. If you do not understand, you cannot sit there and wait for the answers to fall out of the sky. It is simply ridiculous to think that knowledge is something that just comes to you, without trying to grasp an understanding of a particular subject. The difference between the two is that knowledge relates mainly to school and education, while understanding can tie into compassion, education, or many other subjects. To be able to understand something is a great accomplishment because many people think they understand something, when they really do not. Pretending to understand does no one any justice.

Basically, knowledge and understanding go together, but they do have a few differences. When I think of knowledge, I think of school, but when I think of understanding, I think of many different things. I could think of emotion, etc. But, you cannot have knowledge without understanding.

Knowledge is the basis of a situation as it pertains to the know
So with that being said, how can one go?
Go, along the path of life being ignorant to the know
But, ignorance is based on a lack of understanding
Most people want to shut out what they cannot grasp
Instead of trying to break that barrier stopping them from getting to the other side
But, why?
Why be living with an empty mind.
Knowledge is the key and understanding is the door
Once you find the key, go!
What are you waiting for?

Interesting Person

Eminem is probably one of the most controversial artists of my generation. From his explicit lyrics and bold mentality, he definitely sets himself apart from the rest of the Rap world. Most people say that Eminem is crazy, but from my perspective, his sanity is in tact. I think his lyrics sometimes represent what most of us are too afraid to say. If I could have lunch with any famous person, I would choose Eminem. He seems to be a very interesting person and I would like to meet him.

I do not know him personally. As a matter of fact, I do not know him at all. But, based on his music, I find him very interesting. He has a very carefree and “I do not care what anybody thinks” vibe. I think that is very different from most people. He had a very rough childhood, which I think has something to do with previous affiliation with drugs. His mother, whom he often bashes in his music, appears to be a very unfit parent. But what I think makes Eminem so interesting is his attitude, in general.

There are few questions that I would ask, if we had the pleasure of meeting one day. I would not ask the typical questions that reporters ask. The last thing I would want to do is make him feel like he is in an interview. The only question I could only think of is how he learned to stop caring about how others perceive him. Eminem seems to be a very confident person and I would like to be as confident as he is. In my opinion, confidence is linked to courage.

Best Teachers

In my opinion, one of the most important professions in the world is an educator. We have all played the role of an educator at least once in our lives. The primary reason a teacher is so important to me is because a teacher gives his or her students one of the best and most important gives anyone can ever receive: knowledge. With that being said, a teacher should always be courteous, an expert in their particular subject, and should be wise and intelligent.  The best way to teach students is to make learning fun because I know that my peers and I grasp information much better when I am being entertained. A teacher that always went out of their way to make learning fun, the one that generally cared about all of his students was my fourth grade teacher, Mr. Palmquist.

Mr. Palmquist went above and beyond what it means to be a teacher. He did not just teach the basic subjects in school, but he went above and beyond and taught us about life. He was honest with us and that classroom was more than a classroom, it was like another home and everyone was a family. He taught us real experiences. The time I remember is when he taught us that when you say bad things to someone or hurt someone, it is not a reflection of God. I think that he is one of the best teachers that I have ever had. Mr. Palmquist, if you ever read this, I miss you and you are awesome.


Sleep is a very important and vital part of life. I am one of those people that need sleep in order to function. Studies show that the average person needs at least 8 hours of sleep every night, in order to be completely rested and to be healthy. I think that everyone knows that sleep is very important. Here is an example of a day of my life when I do not get enough sleep. Today would actually be a very good example of what happens when I do not get enough sleep.

I only got about 6 hours of sleep last night and I did not even feel like waking up this morning. I found it very difficult to get out of bed and I ended up sleeping for an extra 30 minutes. I put on any thing that I could find and I packed my back. In the process, I forgot my composition book for chemistry and did not study for the potential quiz we were having. I felt so bewildered and out of sorts. During second period, I almost fell asleep and I was not as attentive as I usually am. Then during fourth period, I had a little bit more energy. By the end of the day, I felt exhausted and I wanted to take a nap. I was also very hungry because I only had a slice of toast for breakfast.

On the way home, I almost fell asleep on the train and I did fall asleep in the car. I still do not have enough energy to write this blog. My thought process has been out of sorts all day and will probably remain that way, until I get some sleep. Sleep is very important and should never be taken lightly.

My Favorite Movie

One of my favorite movies is A Walk to Remember. It is a love story that centers on the main characters, Jaime and Landon. Landon and Jamie have attended the same school since kindergarten, but they did not really interact with each other. Landon hung out with the “cool crowd.” Landon and his friends often made fun of Jamie, who has a very modest appearance and is very religious.

Landon gets into trouble with law and as a punishment, he has to clean up the school campus and participate in the school play, which Jamie is also in. He has trouble learning his lines and asks Jamie if she can run lines with him after school. She agrees to help him on the condition that he must not fall in love with her. He scoffs at the idea and guarantees that it will not happen.

After a couple of practices, Jamie asks Landon in front of his friends if they would be practicing after school, and he embarrasses her. Later, he comes to her home confessing that he has feelings for her, but she refuses to listen because he wanted their friendship to be a secret.

During the play, Landon kisses Jamie, which was unscripted. His ex girlfriend plays a cruel joke on Jamie, and Landon comes to her rescue. Their relationship takes off from there. But, something is going on with Jamie that she does not reveal into later on in their relationship. You have to watch to see.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Learning A Language

I had to spend a week in other country. I do not plan on having my own personal translator and I would not want to. If I am going to get around in a foreign land, I am going to prepare myself first. I need to know the essentials in order to survive in a foreign place. My grandfather told me that money is a universal language. I suppose this is true, but I would have no intention on pulling out a dollar everytime I need something. I think the best thing to do is to take a community college course, if they have it available. My friend takes Japanese at a community college, which is great. If I am unable to do this, then I will try to raise money to buy a language-learning program. I may buy Rosetta Stone because I heard that it is one of the most popular language learning systems and it is very affective.

One of the most affective ways that people used to do is send a child to live in a foreign home and eventually they would pick up the language. I am sure that this would work, to a certain extent. I may be able to understand what them, but I would want to be able to communicate with them in their native language. I think the best thing for me would be to buy Rosetta Stone or take a regular class, or get help from a friend who is a fluent speaker of Japanese.

Music Video

There is a new video by an upcoming artist named Willow Smith. She is the daughter of Will Smith and she is quite talented, I must say. The video begins with willow entering a classroom that is very bland and appears as if it is lacking life and color. Willow comes in with a Boom Box that has paint in it. She dips the tips of her braids into the paint and begins to whip her around splashing the room with color. The room begins to come to life and the kids get up and start to dance too. She is moving through the entire school brining it to life with color and fun and she continues to whip her hair back and forth, just as the song says. She jumps around and her changes into different styles and different outfits and she has fun in the video. The video is very bright and fun and energetic and her voice sounds pretty good for her age.

I really loved the energy that the video had. It was very awesome and extremely cool. She even had some dance scenes in the video. There was one scene when her and a group of girls were stepping to the song. She has a bit of eye jewelry around her eye and of course the video has plenty of hair. She walks down the hallway with a pink wig and continues to spread her color and fun throughout the school. By this time, everyone is brought to life.

Teen Trends

If there is one thing that remains true with teens and people in general is that we all have out trends. Every generation has its style and the world of fashion is always evolving into something new, everyday. But, a trend does not necessarily have to deal with the clothes we wear. This generation is more technologically advanced than any other generation. The kids around my age seem to be interested in producing music. I would not call it a fad for some, but many people are interesting in being in the entertainment industry in any way they can. The most popular form of entertainment is dancing, but not just any kind of dance. The most popular trend, in my opinion, is jerking.

It is unclear when jerking began, but it is very popular amongst today’s youth. Jerk kids often wear small backpacks, brightly colored skinny jeans, and small shirts. The style is a mesh of nerdy and casual. You can always tell a jerker when you see one. This style and dance is mainly popular amongst boys, in my opinion. I honestly do not know why it is so popular. It is just one of those dances that everyone picked up and loved. But, like many trends, it is starting to lose its appeal and die out. Crumping was popular before jerking and the fact that that was the new dance trend amazed me because they are not similar at all. I wonder what the next trend will be.

Human and Animal Connection

The connection between animals and humans can be extremely close. Some people even consider their animals as family. I think that animals are so easy to love because of the simple fact that they truly love you, unconditionally. They never judge you or treat you differently because of how you act. They just want someone to love them and they will love you as well. I had a dog that was near and dear to my heart. She was not really mine, but I loved her like my own.
Ella would be very quiet when it was required of her, without me instructing her to do so. This would be my dream dog. She would be very loving and playful. I would allow her to sleep on the pillow beside me and take her any place that I could. I would like her to be the perfect dog that knew how to behave properly.
   Ella and I would go for a walk every night. It is important for animals as well as humans to be in great shape. My dog would see the vet and dog groomers once a month. I'd play tug of war with her, fetch and make sure that she had everything she needed. Some people think that all these things are strange expectations for an animal, but it is possible. Ella is not a dream dog, she is real. I know that I could wish for any other pet, but there is no one like Ella. She holds a special place in my heart that can not be replaced by any other pet. I miss her very much and if I could see her again, I'd want her to know that I love her with all my heart.

Lava Cake: The best dessert

Dessert is everyone’s guilty pleasure. It is that one extra meal that we do not need but we always seem to do it to ourselves. Dessert is just soooo good. What says dessert to me is chocolate. One of the best chocolate desserts is a chocolate lava cake with Vanilla ice cream.

A lava cake is unlike any other. It is delicious! It is like heavy and pure bliss on a plate. The brownie is warm and delicate. When you open the brownie volcano, the molten chocolate just oozes out of the volcano and spills out onto the plate, slowly. Then, you have vanilla ice cream with chocolate. You cannot forget about that brownie. It is so rich and filling. It is a dessert that you probably will not be able to finish in one sitting. But, it something you won’t want to share. I know I never do. It is so decadent, so warm, so rich, and so heavenly. I can go on forever about how delicious this dessert is, but you are going to have to try it yourself. I promise, you will not be disappointment.

The chocolate lava cake with ice cream is something that God put his hands on and made himself. That is just how good it is. I looovvvveeee iittt!!!! Please, the next time you go to Chili’s, make sure you save some room in you stomach for some dessert and make sure that it is that one. It oh so good.

No Cell Phones

We are currently living in a society in which we are truly at the mercy of our machines. Nearly every aspect of our lives involves technology and I highly doubt that a large majority of people would be able to survive, if their technological advantages were to fail them. Although technology does have many positive aspects, it cripples many people to the point at which they cannot even process information without a computer. Yes, people do use text messaging as a means of communication, but I strongly believe that cell phone communication prevents people from developing substantial relationships with others.

Do you know all of the numbers in your cell phone, by heart? If not, do you at least know the important ones? If not, you might want to consider learning them. Technology only goes so far. If we did not have cell phones, there would be pay phones everywhere and people would most likely have better social skills. There would be more house phones and maybe people would realize how much time they waste. GameBoy’s and PSPs would be more popular because more phones these days do more than make calls. Nevertheless, life would be very different and a time without cell phones seems pretty odd, as of now. Maybe people would be more focused in school and people would have a sense of memorization, instead of relying on their phone to do everything for them. We would still see Carrot Top on the commercials telling us to dial ATT on a pay phone.

Country To Visit

I have always imagined going to another country. The world is a very large and beautiful place. There are thousands of countries to explore, many cultures to experience, languages to learn, the list goes on. But, there is one country that fascinates me more than any other. It has a history of being a pretty technologically advanced. The way of the people and the culture as a whole seems to captivate me. My favorite video game was made there, which is the Tekken series. The language is great; the people seem very advanced and intelligent. The country that I would love to visit is Japan.

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated with the continent of Asia in general. The different martial arts styles that come from there are more than fighting, but artistic in a way. The language is like music to my ears and the people are very beautiful. The people also seem to live a very long time. One thing that I find very interesting is the different cuisines that other cultures eat. I would like to know their customs and way of life. Hopefully, when I get older, I will be able to visit this country one day.

Japan has such a wonderful country to me. I really love how beautiful and artistic the Japanese culture is. If I am not mistaken, they are big on respect and honor, which are two aspects of life I find very important, as well. It also appears that they take their health very seriously. Perhaps I would even be able to meet the makers of the Tekken series. What I would like to do more than anything is learn the language. Words cannot express how much I love the Japanese culture

College Out of State: The Steps You Take

One of the most important decisions a person can make in their life is the college they choose to attend. Some colleges are more prestige than others. Some colleges are more expensive and there are also community colleges that one can attend. A person should choose a college based on their learning abilities, their grades, and their price range. If you have the grades to attend a University or an Ivy League school, you may want to consider applying for scholarships because you should never compromise the education that you want to receive. Sometimes, the college that you want to go to, or the college that offers the best courses, pertaining to your major, may be in another state. Going to college out of state gives you the chance to experience a culture outside of your own. It is a great experience thint should only be taken, if you are ready.

You should make sure that you are able to afford to go out of state. You are not only paying for your college education, but you are also paying for living and the move itself is pretty expensive. There is also a out of state fee that is continuously brought up. You should try to save up money and apply for as many scholarships as you can. One of the best scholarships is the Gates Millennium, which pays for your entire education, including housing. It may even pay for the move. Whatever you decide, make sure you are emotionally, and mentally ready to live in another state.

Birthday for My Bestie

Savannah is one of my closest friends in the world. We have been friends since middle school and I am more than proud to call her my best friend. Two years ago, I found out that my friend would be moving to Berkeley. I was pretty sad and we both hoped that it would not be true. But, reality set in when she told me that the plans were official. We spent some time together before she left and I helped her move. We keep in close contact and we will always be friends forever. If I could do one thing for my friend, I’d throw her the best birthday bash ever.

The idea is to throw her a surprise party. I would pay for her and her family to fly to California. They would be in on the secret and we would act like we were just having lunch together. That means that everything had to be set. Savannah would not be able to suspect anything. I would rent a nice club out with a large dance floor, a large cake that had a picture of her on it, and a all of her favorite music playing. There would be a red carpet and cameras on all sides. We would pull up to the club, which where we would be “having lunch” and then we would walk in and everyone would yell surprise. She would be showered with gifts and I hope that she would love it. I would rent her a hotel suite for a week and we’d go to Disney Land and any place she wanted to. Nothing is too good for my best friend.

Your Decade

Time is something that can never be rewound, relived. After something has occurred, all you are left with is the memory. Some generations lived a life of ease and simplicity, while others had to fight for the rights and things we have today. But, the most important thing to remember is that every decade, every generation, in every moment in time, there is an issue. Problems are not avoidable, whether they are big or small. In my opinion, this decade is the beginning of the end of many things. To be quite honest, I have always felt very out of place in this time. I often listen to older music and I find it much easier to talk to adults of a past time period. Based on what I have seen on television, the most simple, yet fun generation is the 80s.

In the 80s, there was great music. Rock and roll was beginning to take shape around this time, or already had. The hair was big, and things seemed simple. A child was not forced to grow up too fast. Kids enjoyed things like playing a game a kickball, and actually going outside. Now, we all rely on technology to have fun for us. I think that the music, the life, and this time is right for me. I love the 80s! I think that I would fit in more if I were in this generation.

Appreciate Parents

Two of the most influential people in a child’s life are their mother and father. Whether they are present or absent in the child’s life, that child will still be influenced by their parents’ behavior. Unfortunately, not all parents are what most of us may consider “involved” or “good” parents. But, for those who chose to be an active figure in a child’s life, they have created influential members in society. Parents provide children with food, shelter, and often give us things that are not considered necessities. I cannot speak for everyone’s mother and father, but my parents have definitely made it their mission to make sure I succeed in life. I love both of my parents very much and for all that they have done, I have no reason not to appreciate them.

Parents are the ones who give you life, to begin with. Life is one of the most precious gifts and the fact that they brought you into the world, when they have the option not to, says a lot. My parents were young parents, which is more than difficult. They sacrificed many things and went out of their way for me. Sometimes they had to miss out on their adolescent “fun-time.” My parents could have been selfish and immature and left me with whom ever was around, but they gave me their time. Some parents never step up to the plate, young or old, and I appreciate the fact that my parents were very mature for their age.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

New to This Town

Today we have a foreign exchange student here from London. I was excited to know that we would be having someone from a different country attend our school for a couple of days. As part of the welcoming committee, it was my duty to make sure that he felt comfortable, knew the school, and was introduced to everyone. In this process, I had to interview him as well, for the school newspaper. I had a lot on my plate and so I introduced myself. He told me his name was Jonathan Ordine. His accent was quite fascinating to me. I had always tried to sound English, but I never knew if it was quite right. And I did not want it to seem as if I was mocking him, so I just spoke in my regular voice.

I asked him what is it like living in London. From what I had been told, the school system is quite different there. They do not have grades like us. I asked him if they had to wear uniforms at the schools he went to. He said yes they did and he was quite surprised to know that American schools allow the kids to wear casual clothing everyday. I was not surprised by his response because we are the only country in the world that has free dress clothes. There were so many questions to ask, so little time. My article needed to wait because he needed to know his way around the school.

Family History

As an American, it can be very easy to forget where one really comes from. Although America is a melting pot culture, full of different races and ethnicities, it is extremely easy to get swept up into the American lifestyle. For example, many “Caucasians” or “Blacks” have a history from other foreign countries, but we have all seemed to just fall under one umbrella. Preserving family history is something that everyone should always try to do because if that history is lost, then it is truly gone. With that being said, I created a scenario in which I would be meeting my great great great grandmother and she would be able to tell me about where the family comes from.

One afternoon, I was sitting down in my best Sunday dress, greatly anticipating her arrival. I was meeting my great great grandmother and I could not have been more thrilled. I had so many questions written on a piece of paper that she may have known the answers to.

1)      Do you know our African roots? If so, what country in Africa did we come from?
2)      Who were the first people to start our family?
3)      Were you born into slavery? If so, what was I like?
4)      Supposedly, we are part Jewish. Where did this bloodline start?
5)      Does our family have any affiliation with Native Americans?
6)      Where did our secret family recipes come from?
7)      What was it like growing up in the south?
When did our family move from Kansas?

Choosing Colleges

One of the most important decisions a person can make in their life is the college they choose to attend. Some colleges are more prestige than others. Some colleges are more expensive and there are also community colleges that one can attend. A person should choose a college based on their learning abilities, their grades, and their price range. If you have the grades to attend a University or an Ivy League school, you may want to consider applying for scholarships because you should never compromise the education that you want to receive.

The best way to select a college is to apply to a variety of different colleges, that all offer courses that help you achieve degrees in your major. Apply for a college you know you can get into, apply for a college you may be able to get into, and apply for a college that may be extremely difficult to get into. Doing this will make sure that you have a lot options. See what each college has to offer and do not just apply to any college because it is there. You might even want to consider going to a hands on college.

Basically, you should select your college based on your grades, your learning abilities and sometimes the price. Never second guess yourself and always apply for scholarships. Any extra money that you can get always helps out even if you can afford to go there. It may save you from a world of debt later.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Better Community

The environment that I grew up in would not be described as glamorous or underprivileged, in my opinion. Like most societies, it comes with pros and cons, but it is up to us to decide which path we want to take. That is why the greatest influence a child has is their family. I am proud to say that my family has motivated me to continue the path to success and knowledge.
Ever since I was a small child, I knew that attending college was nothing to be negotiated; it was mandatory. My parents often stressed the importance of performing well in school. They did their best to make sure that I was a well-rounded student and they continue to do so today. With such a motivational upbringing, I have learned to go beyond the requirements and strive to overachieve. My dream is not only to attend college and receive an AA Degree, but also to continue in the major of my choice until I earn a PHD. I understand that this is not something that can be achieved overnight, but with hard work and dedication, I am confident that I can make it happen.
Some will blame their environment for their behavior. But, as I said before, each place has a negative shadow and a positive light. With love and support from the people you love or even just from yourself, anyone has the opportunity to achieve greatness. I will continue to reach for what some may consider the unreachable. A dream only dies when you stop believing.

A Day in the Life

The typical day for me always begins at around 5: 30 in the morning. This is when my first alarm goes off. I set two alarms, one for 5:30 and one for 6:00 because I know that I will not get up the first time. So, I get up at 6:00, I pack my backpack, according to whatever day of the week it is. If it is Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I take my roller bag. If it is Tuesday or Thursday, I take my regular backpack. After I do this, I get my clothes and take a 8 minute shower, brush my teeth do my hair, wash my face, all that jazz and get dressed. Then, I eat breakfast. If I have a test this day, I always try to study a little bit in the morning.

Then, I wait for my step dad to be ready and he drives me to the train station. I take two trains, which are always crowded in the morning, because people have to get to work. I get to school at around 7:50 or 8:00 (if I am lucky). Then I go through 3 long classes and get my homework. I try to finish some of my homework as early as possible. At 2: 50 I walk extremely fast to the bus station up the street, which takes me to the train station. After that, I get on two more trains and go home. I rest for about an hour and eat a snack and wash the dishes. Then I start my homework, which can take more than 6 hours, and that is on a good day. So, I go to bed at around 11 or 12 every night and wake up to do it all over again. I tell myself, when I begin to feel tired and exhausted, that all of this hard work, day in and day out will be worth it in the long run.

Gross Veggies

In order to make sure someone receives an adequate amount of nutrition, it is important to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. They are packed full of vitamins and nutrients that help keep your body strong and focused. Eating the recommended amount can even help you lose weight. The reason why most people find it extremely difficult to eat the necessary amount of vegetables everyday is due to the bitter taste that the majority of them have. In my opinion, the most disgusting vegetables are Brussels sprouts.

What makes Brussels sprouts so disgusting is the taste. They taste extremely bitter and if it were not for seasonings like salt, pepper, and butter, I would not even think once about eating them. Putting a Brussels sprout in your mouth without any seasonings is like torturing your taste buds. Eating one is like a sock in the chest, knocking the wind out of you.

In order to be healthy, I always try to eat five servings of veggies everyday. But, I also make it easier on myself by avoiding the ones that make this process much more difficult than it has to be. So, with that being said I rarely ever eat Brussels sprouts unless I have to. I thank God my mother does not buy them all the time. I just do not know what I would do if I had to consume those gross sorry excuse for food tasting, vermin things everyday. Yuck! That is the first word that comes to mind.

Favorite Season

In my opinion, there is no season like the winter season. I do not know what it is about this season that just makes me feel at ease, calm and collected. The atmosphere is always warming to the soul and for some reason it seems to bring families closer together. Perhaps, because this is the season which Christmas is in? I thin that the wintertime means family, it means that the world should all be united as one and put aside all differences and be happy and marry and help one another. Winter is also the season for giving, which I think should everyday of the year. This season should motivate and inspire everyone to be kind, giving and grateful, everyday of the year. The heater is always on, there is always hot chocolate in the cabinet just waiting to be consumed. Everyone just seems closer and closer together. It is due to the time change, is it because of the cold weather, is it because this is the season that Jesus was born in? I do not know what it is about winter, but as I said before, I love winter because it means family, unity, peace, harmony, love, Jesus, warmth, giving, and the lists goes on. I love winter. It is my favorite season of them all.

The season that is the opposite of summer
The temperature decrease
The cold front blows in
My long awaited friend.
Where have you been?
Waited all year for you to appear
Homes become warmer
This season means family to me
Why can't everyone be like thee?
The open fire, holiday specials on T.V.
25 days of Christmas on ABC Family
Time slows down and people become more kind.
Winter, my favorite time

Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is an age-old rivalry that exists between the majority of brothers and sisters. Sometimes it is extreme and never dies over time. Then, you have circumstances in which they decide to burry the hatches. Nevertheless, every argument, every rivalry, every disagreement has a source and for some siblings, it is the beginning of a never-ending battle between one another. My siblings and I get along the majority of the time. We may have a few disputes here and there, but nothing to the magnitude of complete hatred or dislike towards one another. We never get in to arguments that our mother has to break up or intervene, considering they are a lot younger than me and it would appear extremely immature on my behave to continue a disagreement with a child. Some rivalries can even divide families. Whether parents realize it or not, some of them do have favorites which causes the other children or child to have a bit of hostility towards the one that is highly favored.

In my opinion, the best way to deal with intense sibling rivalry or disputes is to get to the source of the problem. Go back to where it all began and if it does have something to do with the parents, they have to be open minded and good listeners. It is rude to shut someone down or out because it is something you may not agree with, realize, or like. These issues can be resolved. It may take more time for others, depending on the situation, but it is definitely a problem worth solving.

State of the Art Computer

Before you purchase any product, you should ask yourself a few questions before buying. Questions that I always like to use before I purchase an expensive item is, how badly do I need or want this, is it in my budget, is there a more advanced version of this item coming out soon? These questions have never steered me wrong and work perfectly when you are interested in purchasing an item in the technology family. Technology is always evolving into something more up to speed with consumer demands, especially computers. If I was purchasing a state of the art of computer, it would probably be extremely expensive, but if it was worth the costs then I would definitely buy it. But, in order for me to purchase a computer of this nature, it’d have to have technology far more advanced than anything else out there and it would have to be the leading software for a while.

This computer must be unable to get any viruses, start up immediately, and last for an extremely long time. I would most likely work out some kind of payment plan because obviously, as a teenager with no job, I would not be able to afford to pay it all at once. SO, perhaps I would develop a plan with my parents to help me pay it all off. Plus, it would be accessible for the entire family so everyone would win. I think that this is a solid, full proof system that would not steer me in the wrong direction.

College Tests

Passing a college admission test can be one of the most important accomplishments one can make in their academic career. This can make or break the courses you have to take as a student there. Many people do not always perform well, which causes them to take remedial courses. Why deal with the extra courses? It just means more money, and less time focused on the major of your choice. To make sure you pass these exams, you need to start now! Do not wait until this test is staring you in the face. College Preparation, in my opinion, begins when one starts middle school. You must stay on top of your game and try to retain as much English and Math skills as you can. Most people are familiar with the questions that they are presented with, in some form, but they have forgotten the skills they were taught, prior to the exam.

As a student, you must go above and beyond at all times. It is not enough to rely on the teacher. You must ultimately rely on yourself. Have study parties with friends; keep in mind that school is a large form of advancement. Whatever you are learning now, you will see once again, but in a more advanced form. This is why teachers stress memorization so much because it really pays off in the end.

Basically, if you want to pass college admission tests, you have to be on you’re A game at all times because before you know it, the test will be staring you right in the face. Remember, school is a huge advancement of everything you have already learned.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

America...The Land of the Free?

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that it is better than their native country. In fact, many people believe that the United States id the best country in the world. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness; these are the self-evident truths that act as the backbone for the United States. There are few countries that have the luxury of living in a society in which they believe in inalienable rights and those rights are protected. This is one of the reasons that many people from other countries decide to make the large commute to the United States. This country is known as the land of opportunity, which I suppose is true, but it all depends on the person. Some may even consider the United States to be the best country in the world. Every nation has its own share of problems and the U.S is no exception. With that being said, I do not believe that the United States is the best country in the world because it does not fully exemplify what it represents which is equality for all and the power of the people.

Although America constantly includes the ideas from John Locke, who believed in rights and equality for all man, this country does not actually believe this to be true. An example would be the on going battle of homosexuality. Many same sex couples cannot reap legal benefits that a heterosexual couple would, through marriage. If America is supposed to be the land of equality, why is that those who are different are constantly being ridiculed and not given the same rights as everyone else? Personally, I do not see the harm in same sex marriage. A person has the right to love and marry whom ever they feel is best suited for them. Some have even pushed the issue of adding the restriction of homosexual marriage, into the Constitution. If this does occur, than it will only further represent how much this nation contradicts itself.

I personally believe that the most powerful force in any country is not the government, but its people. Citizens of a nation do not realize how powerful their voice can be as a whole. With this in mind, the government looks for ways to limit the rights of the common man, mainly through politics. For example, Americans do not directly elect the president. Each state has a certain amount of representatives; depending on how large the state is, to decide who they feel is the better candidate. This is the Electoral College System and it is a form of indirect democracy. This limits the voice and power of the people and no matter whom the representatives elect, they will never fully represent American citizens. The Electoral College also makes many of the elections appear to be more corrupt, considering that these representatives can and most likely do accept bribes from the candidates. If the people had direct democracy, I believe that this country would not be in the position that it is in now. Yes, Americans do have a pretty large voice, compared to other countries. But, as time progresses, it is beginning to subside.

The United States is a land of opportunities and is pretty advanced, in comparison to other nations. However, like everything in life, it does have its flaws. I do believe that America is better than some countries, as far as politics go, but it is extremely bold to say that this is the best country in the world. America has a habit of contradicting itself. This country does not fully exemplify the rights of the people and equality for all. Ironically, those are the two aspects that this country takes pride in.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Too Much T.V.

Research shows that the average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Write an essay persuading readers to spend less time in front of the TV.

We are currently living in an era where technology plays a major role in our lives Computers are beginning to take the place of television, but television still remains one of the top electronic devices. According to researchers, the average American watches 6 hours of television daily, which, in my opinion, is absolutely too long. There are so many more productive things that could have been done in those 6 hours that does not involve looking at a large screen all day. People should spend of less of their time watching television because watching television for a long period of time promotes laziness, and it is a waste of electricity

Watching television requires very little physical activity. In fact, in my opinion, it requires no physical activity at all. You are literarily sitting in the same position for hours, without even realizing it. If the average American watches television for 6 hours every day, then a person becomes accustomed to sitting down or being non productive for six hours, daily. This is how people become lazy or “couch potatoes” because it becomes a part of their daily routine. With the knowledge that not everyone exercises for an hour everyday as recommend, it is very easy to gain weight by just sitting and eating while watching television for a quarter of the day. Unless you want to become a couch potato, become extremely lazy or gain an excessive amount of weight, I suggest you put down that remote and get active.

Energy is becoming less and less easy to attain. There are researchers looking for ways to conserve more energy, but one of the best ways to save energy is by cutting down on the amount of energy we use everyday. Watching television for six hours is not a necessity. No one will die or be affected negatively by not watching television. It is a huge waste of electricity. Think of all the countries and places in the world who are still unable to harness electricity, the way we have. Yes, it is fine to enjoy the pleasures of life, but it is important to acknowledge when we are getting carried away. Using electricity for six hours straight, towards something that is not productive, is definitely abusing a privilege. Yes, electricity is a privilege. Also, imagine how much money you can save every month by cutting back on the amount of television you watch.

Television has more than made its mark on people, since its invention. However, it does not mean that we have to become slaves to a T.V. screen. Six hours of television a day is far too much and it has to be unhealthy. If you want to prevent laziness and cut down on the amount of energy you use, please consider cutting down the amount of television you watch. It can save you money, help the environment, and prevent a weight problem before it begins. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Memoir of a Student

People often say “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Describe a time when you misjudged someone based on his or her appearance or when someone misjudged you.

It was an afternoon like any other at Franklin D. Andrent middle school. It was sixth period and Ms. Pallace requested that Medina and I deliver a message to Ms. Tigs. I was very hesitant, but I did not want to be defiant so I followed my teacher’s orders. I knew that the kids in that class would be very judgmental. I knew this for certain because it occurred very often. I came to school everyday with messy hair and baggy clothes, which was not how most of the other kids in my grade dressed, and they didn’t let me forget it. I was afraid to enter the classroom because I did not want to be ridiculed.

I walked into the classroom trying to appear like I was invincible. If it were up to me I would rather be def just for those few minutes. I walked to the front of the classroom, along with my classmate, to Ms. Tigs’s desk. The laughter began. Once again, I found myself to be the topic of someone else’s comedy routine. One person was in my defense, and I was quite surprised. But, it was one person against many. Either way, I was glad that someone defended me because I was too afraid to defend myself. With every laugh and every joke, my confidence went down dramatically. I tried to make it seem like I could not hear them, but I heard every word. Some may call this dramatic, but their words literally put a pain to my chest. I could not wait to get out of there. Finally, we left and I could not be more relieved.

When we returned to Ms. Pallace’s class, my attempt to act like nothing was wrong and that nothing happened, failed me. I told my friend what happened and before I knew it, tears were rolling down my face. My teacher saw that I was crying and asked me what was wrong. She gave me words of encouragement and assured me that everything was going to be fine. I did believe her and I knew that one day I would stop caring about what others said about me, but today was not that day.

Personal Essay

 The way a person handles disappointment reveals a great deal about what is important to him or her. Tell about a time in your life when you confronted disappointment and how you handled it

One thing that is certain in life is that nothing is ever guaranteed. In certain situations, carefully thought out plans are not always full proof, due to life’s unpredictability. Everyone has encountered a situation in which things did not go according to plan, and I am no exception. When life throws a curve ball, it is only natural to be disappointed. For example, I had plans on attending a party for weeks and things did not go accordingly on the evening of the event.

It was Saturday afternoon and my best friend’s 16th birthday party was this evening. I was greatly anticipating this evening for a while and I was almost certain that I would be going. As far as I was concerned, there was no way possible that I was going to miss out on this party. I was promised on several occasions that I would be there for certain. I sat on the couch and waited for a couple of minutes. Before I knew it, minutes turned into hours. I tried to be as optimistic as I could, but I knew that this evening was not going to go as planned. I got a phone call to confirm what I already knew. I asked my uncle if he would take me, but I would not be able to get a ride back from him. Eventually, I decided to call it a night. I washed off my make-up, put on my pajamas, and lay in my bed, listening to the silence around me. I did not know what came over me, but I decided not to let this ruin my night. If I was not able to go the party, I would bring the party here. I put on the radio and danced all night as if I was there with all of my peers.

Life is similar to Pandora’s box; you never know what you’re going to get. With that being said, it is important to catch every obstacle that comes your way and turn it into something positive. Although I was not able to attend the party, I did not let it ruin the rest of my evening. The way I handled this situation shows that I am the type of person who never lets life get me down.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Describe Your Favorite Game

I was standing in front of one of the largest audiences. There was the audience before me and the millions of viewers that tuned in at 7:00 p.m. everyday, as I did. My wore a black and white suit and I had a huge smile, composed primarily of nerves. My opponents had a strong poker face, but I could tell they were as nervous as I was. We were on in 5 minutes. This was Jeopardy.

The object of Jeopardy is to answer every question, with a question. For example, if I were to ask you, this is the first president of the US, your response would be, who is George Washington. Then, you select the next category. It is a pretty simple game and you have 5 seconds to answer each question. It s also possible to receive negative points so make sure that you try to keep your score board blue, otherwise you will not be able to participate in the Final Jeopardy round.

   The first round was like a warm up to me. It gave everyone a chance to get rid of all the nerves. I was able to earn $10,000, but I was still $5,000 away from first place. We were able to finish the entire board. During the break, we all laughed and talked about how nervous we were. Our conversation came to an abrupt end. It was time for round two. 

   The last round ended in extremely close scores: $25,000, $22,000, and $20,000. If I had any shot of winning, I needed to make an extremely large wager. I just hoped that my $10,000 bet would not be the end of me. The topic was US History, which was one of my stronger subjects. The question read "This young explorer came to Jamestown during the early 1600s and brought it to order and prosperity." A light bulb went. 'Captain John Smith," I thought. It was this question that led me to victory!


Something that I have always believed is that the many negative qualities that people have are based on ignorance. They were spoon fed information that developed their way of speaking, thinking, etc, unaware of why. Prejudice ideas are also based off of ignorance. They are perspectives developed off of what other people think or one encounter. People are usually have a prejudice attitude against other groups of people.

In my opinion, a prejudice mindset starts at home. Children are a reflection of what their parents. For example, on an episode of the Tyra Show, a couple raised their children to be prejudice against other races, outside of their own. But, when Tyra asked the children why they felt that way, they did not have an explanation. The effect of prejudice is lack of tolerance. Imagine living in a society in which everything was exactly the same. It is unrealistic because the world and its inhabitants are too complex to be limited to one general way of thinking. Some people feel that uniformity, as it corresponds to ideas, would bring about world peace. This could possibly be true, but the sole purpose of living is to experience different things.

In conclusion, prejudice does exist and causes more trouble, rather than good. I honestly do not know any cases in which being prejudice is beneficial to anyone. It always important to be accepting of others because that is what the world is, a huge melting pot of everything.

Figure of Speech

The Walking Dead

Pain oozes out of their souls
Wearing tattered clothes that leave them exposed
Walking toward their death with every step

Humanity begins to slip out of their minds
Consumed dressed in purple bruises
They fall to their knees, praying for relief

The Seven Deadly Sins

Vanity is on the bathroom wall, over the sink
Dressed in a narcissistic smile
Walking with noses higher than the sky

Narcissism lies beneath the surface
Wearing a cloak of shame
The self-concern is beginning to emerge


Pride takes lives
Wearing a crown all the time
Running for the crowd high

Egos walk among us
Wearing gold and silver clothes
Intimidating all that walk pass

Impulsive Shopper

Hello, my name is Lydia O’Harris. Recently, I had to file bankruptcy because I was an impulsive buyer. It is difficult to recall the time when my bad had began, but I suppose the best place to begin is when I got my first credit card. My mother and father gave me my first credit card when I was 15. They told me I had a limit, but it was something about that gold card that made me feel like money was no object. Ever since that day, I’ve maintained this feeling of invisibility. I never had to pay the bills and my mother and father never told me if I went over the limit. But, they eventually cut me off.

Although I had a prosperous career, which allowed me not to worry about money, it was still different knowing that I would be paying for everything I bought. Pretty soon, the bills started piling up more and more, my house became cluttered with things I didn’t even remember buying. I saw all of this, but I did not really SEE it, I that makes sense. I could not see past what I wanted, not realizing that what I really wanted, was not what I needed. I often asked myself, “How can someone who makes so much money in one year, lose everything?” I lost my home, my “hot buys”, my cars, everything. This is when I truly woke up. Although my wake up call was long over due, it came and I thank God for that.

I still have my job and I am starting over with a clean slate. I am just so happy to be free and I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. So, once again, I’m Lydia, I was an impulsive shopper, and I am not anymore.