One moment of pure happiness occurred a couple of days ago. My sister was in Hawaii, which is where my older sister lives. I got a phone call from my dad that evening and I was excited that I would be speaking to my sister, whom I haven’t spoken to in years. I was very nervous when I heard her say hello, and quite surprised that her tone and way of speaking is similar to mine. I could tell by the way she said hello that she was smiling, just as I was. What we already knew about each other was from the answers to the millions of questions that we had asked our father, about one another. We caught up on so many things and the conversation was not awkward, at all. The conversation lasted for a while, but I was expecting an exam the next day, so it had to come to an end. But, I was able to get her cell phone number. My night was filled with stress, but in that moment, none of that mattered anymore. I cried tears of joy, which is rare for me. I was just so happy!
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