What is diversity? In my opinion, diversity can be perceived as a mixture of different things or groups coexisting amongst each other. In some societies, diversity can make or break it, depending on the people. In American society, diversity plays a major role. People come from all over just to live in this country and so tolerance is vital in order to survive in this country. Although diversity is so transparent in the world, some people do not have a tolerance level to match. There are numerous ways to define diversity and it does not only correspond to people. It is important to be open to new groups and ideas because life will throw things at you that may not be your means of acceptance, but you must still be tolerant of others.
Living in Los Angeles, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, I am a very open-minded and tolerant individual. A large majority of my friends are from cultural, religious, or ethnic backgrounds. In my opinion, diversity is important because it allows people to experience life from a different perspective. Imagine living in a society in which everything was exactly the same. It is unrealistic because the world and its inhabitants are too complex to be limited to one general way of thinking. Some people feel that uniformity, as it corresponds to ideas, would bring about world peace. This could possibly be true, but the sole purpose of living is to experience different things.
Basically, diversity shapes a large part of our society for the better. It introduces people to a nearly endless ways of living. Living in a society that is has no diversity is somewhat like living in a cardboard box. You will be looking at the same walls hearing the same thing, and living everyday all over again. Now, is this the kind fo society you would want to live in.
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