Sunday, October 17, 2010


Due to the success of cloning other mammals, scientists are getting closer to creating the first human clone. Human Cloning is the making of an identical copy of a human being from a skin or cell sample. Although cloning is considered to be a breakthrough in the world of science, it is still an extremely controversial subject. Many people see cloning as a positive step for mankind. For example, couples that cannot produce eggs or sperm can have a child, humans will have the perfect organ donors, and there will be a greater chance of having a healthy infant. Others feel that cloning takes away individuality, it is unsafe, humans would be manufactured, it can cause human beings to become extinct, and it is inhumane. Man will be altered to one’s specifications, rather than having their own sense of characteristics.

Because cloning is creating a life to meet our specifications, it can be easy to see why it appeals to so many people. Since scientists can alter a clone’s genes and characteristics, there is less likely to have an ill or physically disabled child. Man can create their idea of the “perfect child.” Couples that are unable to have children, due to their inability to produce sperm cells or eggs, can still have a child of their own. Sometimes humans need vital organs in order to survive. Since a clone is an exact replica of its “host”, the human will be able to receive those vital organs. Surgeons will not have to spend weeks finding a donor. Cloning has a few positive aspects. It can take out the surprises that natural conception may have, and it can even safe your life.

Although cloning appears to be the answer to most of man’s genetic problems, there are negative aspects to “playing God.” The unique thing about human beings is that they are all different. In the history of the entire world, there will never be nor can there be another you. Human cloning takes away this sense of individuality. Cloning can make healthier humans, but the process itself isn’t safe. Over 90% of cloning attempts have not been successful. Those who choose to act as the carrier are putting themselves in harms way, just as well as the clone itself is in harms way. Most attempts have been miscarriages and stillbirths. Since cloning is creating life, one may wonder how man can become extinct from it. Although it seems very far-fetched, it is a possibility. There is a chance that inbreeding can occur, which will ultimately cause us to die off. It ties into natural selection. Humans will most likely mate with a clone in order to give birth to “the best of the best.” There is also a risk of carrying a harmful gene to all humans, which is likely to happen, considering clones are exactly the same as the humans they are made from. Last, but not least, there is a possibility that clones can become more accomplished than their “creator.” Clones can become smarter, stronger, and greater than humans, in general. If they discover that they are more superior, they could potentially take over the human race. The created could seek to destroy the creator.

Personally, I am against human cloning. I understand and take into consideration the advantages that it may have for some, however it is simply unnatural and inhumane. People are meant to be individuals. If this were not the case, we’d all be the same. Diversity is what makes the world what it is: special. I enjoy knowing that there can never be another Sierra Henderson. I love knowing that no one else has my fingerprints. Why would I want to voluntarily diminish my individuality? Also, it is playing God. Only God should have the power to determine who we are. Apparently, He respects and embraces diversity, by making us all different. Last but not least, it can result to the end or downfall of the human race and the sense of being humane. Clones will most likely be treated like animals rather than humans, in the beginning, which can result in our downfall, in the end.

Human cloning, like most things in life, has positive and negative aspects. I personally believe that the cons outweigh the pros. Human cloning is unsafe not only from a medical standpoint, but from a social, economic and political point of view. Cloning even has the potential to bring back slavery. In my opinion, the research devoted to cloning should be abolished completely.  A person’s individuality is the one thing they have to call their own. Why would we strip mankind of their sense of self?

Work Cited

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