Thursday, December 2, 2010

Favorite Film

A great and epic film comes along as often as a shooting star is seen streaming across the night sky. Some movies have the power to impact an entire generation, while others fail to rise to the occasion. With that being said, not all great films are given the recognition or publicity that they deserve. If you mention the film V for Vendetta, you will more than likely encounter a very puzzled expression, followed by the question, “what movie is that?” I know this because I used to be that person. After I saw this film, I fell in love with it and even felt a tad guilty for my ignorance of such a powerful movie. V for Vendetta is my favorite movie because it shows that the power of people as a whole, can overcome any form of oppression, even being oppressed by their government. It also stresses the importance of knowing and protecting your inalienable rights. I believe that everyone should see this movie so that they never fall victim to totalitarian rule and if they ever do, they will know how to address the issue.

The film takes place in England, in the future. In this time era, there is a war going that led to the collapse of America and England has been taken over by a dictator, who ensures the “protection” of the citizens of the country by using terror tactics and intimidation. This movie is very similar to George Orwell’s 1984. There is a man, who simply goes by V, trying to save the entire country from the totalitarian rule, by reminding them of what they have lost and what this country has become. In the film, V says, “People should not be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of its people.” This character is so eloquently spoken throughout the entire film. But, it is this particular statement that holds so much power. I cannot reveal the ending of the film, but what I can say is that this statement acts as one of the film’s many themes and holds great truth, as far as how people should view their power in society.

What our government tells us may not always be true. There are many conspiracy theories circling around, and there have always been. But, it is quite simple for government officials to create “epidemics” and blame them on someone else. Some people in power, or those who are trying to gain power, use this strategy so that they can be viewed as the savior. In return for salvation, they seek complete control and compliance from everyone. This is one of the ways that the dictator in V for Vendetta was able to control the people of England. Some people believed that George Bush used 911 to have more control over the people. The document that followed this was The USA PATRIOT Act, which violates our 4th Amendment. This film is like a warning to all people. It is easier than it may seem to take control over an entire country.

In conclusion, V for Vendetta is a film that is completely underrated. It makes people realize that they are the most powerful force in their government, not the government itself. It also warns people by making them aware of the ways a totalitarian can come about and take over. This is a wonderful film and I highly recommend it.


  1. Interesting review. It's very easy to see you are partial to this film...I like it also. I look forward to reading more of your reviews.

  2. This review was very good. I too like this movie because of how powerful it was.
